Kirk Session

Elders with feet of Clay

In the fifth of our series of Tales from the Kirk Session, Jean Barclay recounts the stories of two kirk elders from the 1720’s who each got into trouble themselves. One was dealt with swiftly by Robert Ferguson’s case was more complicated. The tale unfolds in “Elders with Feet of Clay“.

The Tale of the Holes in the Floor

In the latest in our series Tales from the Kirk Session, Elaine Campbell tells the story of a case of “flagrant and scandalous behaviour” from 1752 where the witnesses were able to testify based on having had a very clear view of the events. Read more in “The Affair of the Holes in the Floor“.

Christmas Banned!

In the next in our “Tales from the Kirk Session” series, Jean Barclay describes the very slow re-emergence  of Christmas after the Reformation. “The Kirk that Stole Christmas” describes these changes, from the attempted abolition of the holiday by the Kirk in the sixteenth century, right up to the establishment of the Public Holiday in 1958.

Profaning the Sabbath

In the first of our new series drawn from the Dunfermline Parish Records, “Tales from the Kirk Session”, Jean Barclay provides us with a detailed  insight into how people lived in Dunfermline in the Seventeenth Century, and how the Church sought to stop them “Profaning the Sabbath“.