Routes to Flodden

This month’s video lecture, “Ways to Flodden, 1513” was given by Dr David Caldwell at the Archaeological Research in Progress Conference, 2016 in Galashiels. His talk puts the battle into it’s military context and is mainly concerned with the build-up. It answers many fascinating questions such as, how many men were involved? How did they get there from all across Scotland? How did they get the cannons over the Lammermuirs? and it ends with a thought -provoking re-assessment of the whole campaign.

Dr Caldwell is an archaeologist who worked in the National Museum of Scotland for 38 years and was until recently President of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. He is an expert on medieval Scotland, and directed major excavations at Finlaggan on Islay, the centre of the Lordship of the Isles. He is due to speak to us in person in our next season, dates, of course, still to be confirmed.