George Robertson becomes Honorary President of DHS

After 21 years in the post of Chair, George Robertson stood down at the Society’s recent AGM, held in May 2017. He then took on a new position of Honorary President, the third time in the Society’s 47 year history that such a post has been occupied.  The Secretary, Cherry Allan, highlighted George’s history with the Society which is summarised below.

Photo of George Robertson receiving his presentation from Carolyn Thompson

George Robertson receiving his presentation from Carolyn Thompson

“It all started in June 1996 when the Chairman of the day stood down at the AGM with immediate effect, after 14 years of service, leaving the committee and members in something of a quandary.  To resolve the situation the previous Honorary President, Mr Andy Lawrence (one of the original founders of the Society) proposed a new Society member and friend of his, one Mr George Robertson, as a prospective Chairman, since his interest in local history made him a likely candidate.  George considered the proposal and agreed to take on the role and so began his 21 years at the helm of the Society.

It wasn’t long before new developments were taking place to increase awareness of the Society in the following ways:

  • A Society logo was commissioned, designed and produced
  • DHS began an annual presence at the October Hobbies and Recreation exhibition
  • DHS became a member of the Scottish Local History Forum
  • The post of Publicity Officer was created to report the Society’s activities in the local press

In September 1997 the Society moved to larger premises in the Pittencrieff Suite in the City Hotel and so began a steady increase in membership numbers as the Society grew in popularity.

The year 2000 saw the Society’s first overnight trip, to visit Durham’s great Cathedral, with George plotting the route and undertaking costings.  A new projector and the first sound system appeared at this time and by 2002 the Society had outgrown the City Hotel and moved to the suitably historic and prestigious City Chambers to accommodate the now 93 members.

Over the years George arranged most of the speakers himself and took the lead in organising the trips which grew in the distances travelled, the variety of historical attractions seen and the time spent away from home, venturing to the Inner Hebrides and even South of the Border on several occasions.  In 2006 he formed the “Travel Club”, a core group of committee members working together to ensure a fairer spread of the workload involved in organising the trips.  The same year saw the appointment of a dedicated Speakers’ Convenor to secure a variety of quality speakers for the Society’s monthly evening talks.

In 2008 the post of Vice Chair was added to the Constitution in preparation for a prospective new Chairperson and in 2010, along with the committee, George saw the Society enjoy a memorable 40th anniversary celebration dinner at the Pitbauchlie House Hotel. In 2012 DHS was on the move once again to our current premises in the Abbey Church Hall.

Membership numbers continued to rise and reached the dizzying heights of 136 in 2014, our highest ever (trebling the numbers from 1996).  The Society website launched in late 2015 to which George continues to contribute many local articles and 2016 saw the appointment of Carolyn Thompson as Vice-Chair, who has now taken over the role of Chair, having already played a highly significant part within the committee along with her husband, Robin.

Over the years George has worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth running and success of the Society and all members owe him a great debt of gratitude.  He has held the committee and the entire Society together throughout, working with a variety of individuals on the committee, and amongst the membership, on every aspect of Society business. He has stamped his own very personal style on the post and we all take this opportunity to wish him and his wife, Maureen every happiness in his retirement”.

Photo of George Robertson and the DHS committee, Douglas Bell, Robin Thompson, Pamela Macleod, Cherry Allan, George Robertson, Carolyn Thompson, Elaine Campbell, Lindsey Fowell

Douglas Bell, Robin Thompson, Pamela Macleod, Cherry Allan, George Robertson, Carolyn Thompson, Elaine Campbell, Lindsey Fowell

The presentation concluded with a gift from the membership of 2 original prints of Dunfermline scenes from the 19th century, mounted and framed and a card signed by the membership.  Finally the committee added their own gift of a presentation box of Macallan whisky and taster glasses, knowing George’s penchant for a dram of single malt!


Lindsey Fowell