Old Weavers Comprehensive List


Compiled by Jean Barclay

This is a list of the names, addresses and ages of the old men and women who attended the `old weavers` drive` each July from 1900-1915.  They are taken from reports in the local press, which sometimes included group photographs. The drives were originally just for old hand-loom weavers but from 1906 invitations were extended to `any respectable man of 60` and from 1909 to women. There are some discrepancies in the lists due to incorrect reporting of ages and addresses and because several people shared the same name. 

1900: Visit to Glensherup Reservoir, the source of Dunfermline`s water supply.

`Dunfermline Hand-loom Weavers Drive to Glensherup`, Dunfermline Press, July 21 1900, Dunfermline Journal (Supplement), July 28 1900.

Attendees (names, addresses and ages). No addresses were originally given but they have been added from later lists, Changes of address and the year recorded are indicated in brackets:

Anderson, Alexander, Baldridgeburn, 74,

Anderson, Andrew, 82,

Anderson, Robert, Pittencrieff St, 88,

Bernard, Andrew, 62,

Beveridge, George, Moodie St, 77,

Boag, Robert, 82,

Bowie, James, Albany St, 80 (Castleblair Lane 1905),

Brand, John, Bothwell Place, 74,

Brown, William, 82,

Burt, John, 84 Golfdrum St, 70,

Christie, Thomas, 73,

Clark, John, 74,

Clark, Thomas, Maygate St, 63 (37 Bridge St.1907),

Coutts, Charles, 67,

Cummings (or Cumming), John, Buchanan St, 78,

Donaldson, Thomas, Guildhall St, 73,

Douglas, John, Woodhead St, 78,

Dowie, Andrew, East Port St, 78 (8 Viewfield Place1907),

Dowie, John, Holyrood Place, 74 (56 Campbell St.1907),

Dudgeon, David, 76,

Duncan, Andrew, Pittencrieff St, 70 (South Inglis St.1904),

Duncan Fergus, Culross, 75,

Edwards, David, 72,

Gibson, Andrew, 81,

Gifford, John, St. Leonard`s Place, 66,

Gilmour, Henry, 91½ Pittencrieff St, 64,

Grieve, Stenhouse, 68,

Grundie, Robert, Priory Lane, 77,

Hay, Andrew, Pittencrieff St, 84,

Heggie, Archibald, Priory Lane, 78,

Heggie, David, 4 Gardeners` St, 64,

Heggie, Robert, Hospital Hill, 62 (Auchtermuchty 1908?, 4 Gardener St. 1915?),

Henderson, John, Reid St, 88,

Henderson, Richard, Golfdrum St, 62,

Hoggan, Andrew, 78,

Hutchison, Robert, 68,

Hutchison, William, Moodie St, 73,

Hutton, William, New Row, 67,

Hynd, Allan (or Alan), Priory Lane, 87,

Lawrie, James, Golfdrum St, 85,

Martin, John, Brucefield Avenue, 71,

McConville (or McCanville), James, Abbot St, 60 (Woodhead St.1906, 89 Nethertown 1907),

McNaughton, Robert, Beveridgewell, 77,

Meldrum, Andrew, Bothwell Place, 67 (Bothwell St. 1906),

Meldrum, Henry, 86,

Meldrum, James, 86,

Morrison, James, Woodmill St, 61,

Morrison, James, 16 Nethertown Broad St, 74,

Paton, Neil (or Niel), Priory Lane, 82,

Peattie, Hugh, Nethertown Street, 69,

Philp, Andrew, Inglis St, 71 (56 North Inglis St. 1905),

Roy, Ebenezer, 79,

Russell, James, Woodhead St, 66,

Stewart, James, Moodie St, 63,

Thomson, David, Woodmill St, 80,

Tod (or Todd), Robert, Crossford, 78,

Turnbull, Alexander, Priory Lane, 72,

Walker, James, 67,

Walker, William, Beveridgewell, 67 (Parkneuk 1907?),

Watters, Richard, 68,

Weir, Andrew, 63,

Wilkie, James, 79,

Wishart, John, Golfdrum St, 73.

1901: Visit to Blair Hill on the River Devon, the home of Alexander Price Haig (of the whisky family).

Dunfermline Press, August 3 1901, `The Auld Weavers` Trip`, Dunfermline Journal, July 27 1901, and `Anent Dunfermline` by Daniel Thomson, Vol. 7, item, 363½.

Thomson notes that in the list there were `a few mistakes as to age.  For example Andrew Meldrum Bothwell Place is set down as 67 years.  He was given the same age a year ago.  Some of the old weavers to whom I have talked have rather a hazy notion as to their ages and have given, I have no doubt, in the above list a somewhat hap-hazard statement`.

Of the 91 who attended, the oldest weavers were:

Aged over 90:

Russell, Andrew, 92;

Aged 85-90:

Anderson, Robert, Pittencrieff St, 89,

Hay, Andrew, Pittencrieff St, 86,

Henderson, John, Reid St, 89,

Hynd, Alan (or Allan), Priory Lane, 88,

Laurie (or Lawrie), James, Golfdrum St, 87,

Toddie, Alexander, Albany St, 86,

Aged 80-85:

Anderson, Andrew, Kirkgate, 83,

Bowie, James, Albany St, 82,

Douglas, John, Woodhead St, 82,

Gibson, Andrew, Woodhead St, 82,

Keir, Adam, Woodhead St, 81,

Meldrum, Henry, Bothwell Place, 80,

Paton, Neil, Priory Lane, 83,

Paton, William, Nethertown St, 81,

Roy, Ebenezer, Pittencrieff St, 82,

Thomson, David, Woodhead St, 81,

Wilkie, James, New Row, 80.

There were also 18 aged 75-80, 20 aged 70-75 and 34 aged 60-70.

New attendees 1901:

Anderson, James, Reid St, 69,

Bardner, Andrew, Woodhead St, 62,

Baxter, Edward, Albany St, 63,

Black, John, Pittencrieff St, 71,

Bowman, David, 52 Moodie St, 71,

Chalmers, Thomas, Nethertown, 66,

Chalmers, Thomas, Nethertown, 70,

Coventry, George, 8 Nethertown Broad St, 68,

Davie, Walter, James Place, 72,

Duncanson, Robert, Mid-Beveridgewell, 76,

Elder, David, Limekilns, 60,

Ellis, John, Edgar St, 77,

Harrower, John, Nethertown, 61,

Henderson, John, Grieve St, 55,

Hoggan, Archibald, Pittencrieff St, 50,

Howieson, Robert, Hill St, 62,

Hunter, James, Woodhead St, 77,

Hutchison, Andrew, Nethertown, 71,

Jackson, John, Priory Lane, 66,

Keir, Adam, Woodhead St, 81,

Lambert, William, Moodie St, 60,

McEwan, William, Golfdrum St, 67,

McKenzie, Alexander, Moodie St, 70,

McKenzie, Andrew, Rolland St, 65,

Marshall, John, Campbell St, 70,

Marshall, John, Pittencrieff St, 71 (89½ Baldridgeburn 1904),

Mercer, James, Woodmill St, 62,

Miller, John, 22 Harriebrae, 66,

Page, Robert, Grantsbank, 65,

Paton, William, Nethertown, 81,

Reid, John, Pittencrieff St, 71,

Roxburgh, Charles, Holyrood Place, 67,

Russell, Andrew, Culross, 92,

Russell, Mark, Baldridgeburn, 63,

Scobie, David, Beveridgewell, 70,

Sinclair, John, Nethertown St, 75,

Smeaton, Henry, Reid St, 61,

Spears (or Spiers), Robert, Bath St, 77,

Stenhouse, Grieve, Carnegie St, 70,

Taylor, William, Chalmers St, 64,

Toddie, Alexander, Albany St, 86,

Walker, Adam, Nethertown Broad St, 65,

Watson, Thomas, Hill St, 61 (Rose St. 1902).

1902: Visit to Alloa House, the seat of the Earl of Mar and Kellie:

`The Old Weavers` Drive`, Dunfermline Press, July 26 1902, p. 5.

New attendees 1902:

Allan, Thomas, Couston St, 65,

Allister, Robert, 61,

Anderson, David, 70,

Anderson, James, Reid St, 61,

Anderson, Robert, Pittencrieff, 64,

Anderson, Robert, Rumbling Well, 72,

Bardner, James, Gibb St, 74,

Baxter, Edward, Albany St, 64,

Beveridge, John, 48, New Row, 60,

Birrell, John, Gardeners St, 69,

Black, Robert, Moodie St, 64,

Conway, Patrick, Golfdrum St, 81 (Cross Wynd 1905),

Cooper, James, 61,

Coulter, Thomas, Monastery St, 60,

Duncanson, Andrew, Inglis St, 72,

Duncanson, Robert, Beveridgewell, 77,

Ferguson, James, 52½ Campbell St, 61,

Flockhart, Andrew, 69,

Fraser, Thomas, 65,

Gibson, John, Glasgow, 69,

Gibson, William, 67,

Gillespie, Robert, Golfdrum St, 61,

Charles Heggie, Priory Lane, 62,

Hogg, John, Pittencrieff St, 77,

Hunter, James, Woodhead St, 78 (110 Albany St.1907),

Hutchison, William, Nethertown St, 72,

Inches (or Inch), Andrew, 74 Pittencrieff St, 72,

Izatt, David, Moodie St, 67 (18 Gibb St. 1906, West Nethertown St. 1909),

Jackson, John, 14 Priory Lane, 67,

Kilpatrick, Henry, Campbell St, 70 (Castleblair Lane 1906, Beveridgewell Lane 1908),

Lambert, William, Moodie St, 61 (Inverkeithing 1905),

Letham, John, Downieville Crescent, 74 (16 William St.1907, 46 Cemetery Rd. 1908),

McKenzie, John, 71,

Main, John, Pittencrieff St, 80,

Malcolm, Alexander, Canmore St, 60,

Marshall, Thomas, Pittencrieff St, 67,

Melville, David, Brucefield Avenue, 66,

Mercer, James, Woodmill St, 63,

Millar, Matthew, Brucefield Avenue, 63,

Millar, Robert, Rolland St, 70,

Moodie, David, Beveridgewell, 62,

Morris, John, Appin Crescent, 62,

Morrison, John, Beveridgewell, 69, (6 Mid-Beveridgewell1907),

Nicol, James, Victoria St, 68,

Punler, Thomas, Campbell St, 74,

Reid, John, Pittencrieff, 68,

Scotland, John, 61,

Scott, John, 66,

Semple, George, Baldridgeburn, 71,

Smith, Ebenezer, Rumblingwell, 68 (Milesmark 1908),

Spalding, James, Damside St, 70,

Stenhouse, John, Carnegie St, 66,

Swan, James, Glasgow, 77,

Templeman, William, 70,

Walker, James, Cousin`s Lane, 73,

Walker, John, 70, 

Watson, Andrew, 73,

Watson, David, Holyrood Place, 82,

Whitehead, William, 34 Rolland St, 68.

1903: Visit to Kennet House, Clackmannan, the Scottish seat of Alexander Bruce, Lord Balfour of Burleigh.

`Dunfermline Handloom Weavers` Drive`, Dunfermline Press, July 25 1903.

There were 105 tickets handed out, but only 96 attended, 15 less than in 1902.

New attendees 1903:

Anderson, John, Victoria Place (or St), 70,

Black, William, Moodie St, 68,

Bruce, Andrew, Albany St, 61,

Cant, William, Cemetery Rd, 76,

Clunie, Andrew, Bothwell St, 83,

Cooper, Thomas, New Row, 66 (83 James St.1908, Milton Green 1909, 96 Appin Crescent 1913),

Dalgliesh, William, Pittencrieff St, 71,

Drysdale, Campbell, Cairneyhill, 69,

Elder, David, Limekilns, 60,

Fenton, Alexander, Beveridgewell, 72,

Hunter, Francis, Pittencrieff St, 75,

Kennedy, John, Campbell St, 65,

Martin, Alexander, Pittencrieff St, 63,

Millar, Andrew, High Beveridgewell, 64,

Nicol, Andrew, High St, 96,

Paton, James, Nethertown Broad St, 64 (Chalmers St.1905, Limekilns 1908, 122 Rose St. 1909, Brucefield Feus 1912),

Sharp, Alexander, Crossford, 73,

Simpson, Archibald, Beveridgewell, 72,

Sinclair, James, Bath St, 79,

Skinner, David, Grant`s Bank, 64 (21 Victoria Terrace 1907),

Stevenson, Robert, Victoria St, 64,

Watson, Andrew, Nethertown Broad St, 77.

1904: Visit to the Raith Estate, Kirkcaldy, home of the Fergusons.

`The Old Weavers` Drive`, Dunfermline Press, July 23 1904.

Seven men on the last drive had died during the year, namely: Robert Anderson, 92, James Hogg, 73, Henry Meldrum, 83, Hugh Peattie, 72, William Cant, 77, Robert Duncanson, 77, Robert McNaughton, 81.  Nine were unable to attend because of illness, including Andrew Nicol aged 97 who had broken his leg.

New attendees 1904:

Adams, James, Foundry St, 73,

Addison, Robert, Cemetery Rd, 84,

Allan, John, 70 Rumblingwell, 69,

Beveridge, John, New Row, 63,

Birrell, Henry, 6 Mill St, 69,

Blair, John, Gardeners Land, 90,

Bremner (Brimer or Brimmer), Henry, 15 Downieville Crescent, 63 (age may be wrong – see 1907),

Burt, John, Golfdrum St, 74,

Cochrane, John, Mill St, 79,

Cook, James, 143 Baldridgeburn, 77,

Cook, Thomas, Bothwell St, 69,

Currie, William H, Golfdrum St, 69 (Thistle St. 1908),

Dalgliesh, John, 64 Albany St, 65,

Gibb, Peter, 1 Alley Place, 66 (Wooers Alley in 1908),

Hogg, Archibald, William St, 61,

Hynd, John, Grieve St, 70,

Johnstone, James, Carnegie St, 62,

Lamond, Thomas, Baldridgeburn, 64,

Lawrie, James, Rumblingwell, 60,

Love, Robert, 4 Rose Crescent, 63,

McArthur, David, Cemetery Rd, 66,

Meiklejohn, George, Cemetery Rd, 65,

Morrison, James, 16 Nethertown Broad St, 76,

Owens, Thomas, Beveridgewell, 66,

Philp, David, Golfdrum St, 63,

Philp, John, Dewar St, 63,

Robertson, John, South Inglis St, 76,

Ross, William, Baldridgeburn, 64 (Colton, Golfdrum, 1908),

Russell, Mark, Golfdrum St, 67 (Thistle St. 1909),

Sinclair, Thomas, Gardeners St, 90,

Scott, David, New Row, 63,

Sharp, Peter, 37 James Place, 72,

Sinclair, William, New Row, 75,

Russell, Mark, Golfdrum St, 67,

Walker, James, Rolland St, 75,

Walker, Thomas, Cemetery Rd, 65,

Wilson, Robert C, Crossford, 65.

1905: Visit to Tulliallan, the home of Sir James and Lady Sivewright.

`The Auld Weavers` Drive`, Dunfermline Press, July 22, p.4.

Eight old weavers had died since last year`s outing: Allan Hynd (94), Andrew Russell (96), Andrew Nicol (98), James Spalding (72), David McArthur (68), Adam Walker (68), John Kennedy (67) and Thomas Walker (66).

New attendees 1905:

Anderson, David, 8 Reid St, 74,

Anderson, William, Cemetery Rd, 67,

Allan, Alexander, Baldridgeburn, 74,

Bett, William, Campbell St, 70,

Beveridge, George, Cemetery Rd, 70,

Black, Alexander, Rumblingwell, 67 (125 Campbell St.1907),

Black, John, Pittencrieff St, 82,

Brown, William, 53 Campbell St, 67,

Chalmers, William, 79 or 97 Pittencrieff St, 62,

Christie, Andrew, 26 Reid St, 60,

Combes, John, Grieve St, 60,

Cunningham, John, Maitland St, 74,

Duncan, David, Harriebrae Park, 71,

Finnick (or Finnix), Robert, Castleblair, 64 (34 Woodhead St.1907, 32 Grieve St.1908),

Herdman, Archibald Herdman, Woodhead St, 66 (16 Cemetery Rd.1907, 10 James Place 1910),

Herdman, James, Townhill, 61,

Hoggan, Archibald, 10 William St, 72,

Keen, James, 82 James St, 73,

Kennedy, Duncan, Castleblair, 79,

Lochhead, William, Townhill, 78,

McLaughlan, Patrick, Woodhead St, 71,

McPherson, Duncan, Grieve St, 60,

Martin, Alexander, Pittencrieff St, 65,

Martin, Alexander, Cemetery Rd, 64,

Moir, John, Moodie St, 60,

Penman, William, New Row, 64,

Philp, David, Golfdrum St, 64,

Philp, John, Woodhead St, 69,

Reid, David, Beveridgewell, 69,

Reid, John, Moodie St, 75,

Rennie, Henry, Pittencrieff St, 65,

Robertson, James, Downieville Crescent, 71 (42 Appin Crescent 1907),

Roxburgh, John, 25 South Inglis St, 78,

Russell, David, Nethertown Broad St, 60 (21 West Nethertown St. 1907),

Scotland, John, Priory Lane, 64,

Simpson, Andrew, Golfdrum St, 64,

Simpson, Archibald, Beveridgewell, 80,

Sinclair, James, 29 Grieve St, 67,

Spiers, William, Woodhead St, 75,

Spowart, David, Thistle St, 70,

Stenhouse, George, Pittencrieff St, 65,

Stevenson, Andrew, Beveridgewell, 76,

Taylor, George, Pittencrieff St, 66,

Thomson, Charles, Woodmill St, 63,

Tod, John, Crossford, 83,

Tod, William, Rose St, 84,

Walls, Peter, Woodhead St, 80,

Watson, Thomas, Cemetery Rd, 66 (Whirlbut St. 1906),

Welsh, Patrick, 37 Pittencrieff St, 65,

Wilson, David, 192 Baldridgeburn, 65,

Wilson, David, Gardeners St, 67,

Wilson, David, Thistle St, 70 (6 Reid St. 1907?).

1906: Visit to Kinross House, the home of Sir Basil Montgomery:

`Auld Weavers` Drive`, Dunfermline Press, July 21 1906, p. 5.

The outing was not only for old weavers but was open to any `respectable man over 60`.  The average age of those attending was 73 years 4 months.

Since the outing last year the following 17 had died:

Bardner, Andrew, Woodmill St, 66 yrs,

Baxter, Edward, Albany St, 68,

Black, John, Pittencrieff St, 82,

Carnegie, William, Nethertown Broad St, 80,

Douglas, John, Woodhead St, 83,

Drysdale, Campbell, Cairneyhill, 71,

Duncan, Andrew, South Inglis St, 74,

Hay, Andrew, Pittencrieff St, 90,

Heggie, Charles, Priory Lane, 64,

Henderson, John, Reid St, 93,

Hoggan, Archibald, 10 William St, 72,

Lochhead, William, Townhill, 78,

Morrison, James, Woodmill St, 68,

Philp, David, Golfdrum St, 64,

Reid, David, Beveridgewell, 69,

Stenhouse, Alexander, Rumblingwell, 72,

Thomson, Charles, Woodmill St, 63,

Walls, Peter, Woodhead St, 80.

New attendees 1906:

Adamson, William, Townhill, 69,

Addison, David, Halbeath, 69,

Anderson, David, Thistle St, 60,

Anderson, James, Beveridgewell, 62,

Anderson, Joseph, James Place, 65 (Mill St. 1909),

Anderson, Robert, Reform St, 67 (High St. 1908, Priory Lane 1913)),

Bardner, Thomas, Baldridgeburn, 86,

Bartholomew, William, North Inglis St, 60,

Beattie, George, North Inglis St, 60,

Bell, Henry, Priory Lane, 69 (6 Reid St. in 1907),

Beveridge, George, Moodie St, 84,

Black, John, Main St, Townhill, 72

Bower, George, High Beveridgewell, 74,

Bowman, David, Moodie St, 75,

Callender, Alexander, 72 New Row, 78,

Campbell, Andrew, Woodside Place, Townhill, 75,

Campbell, Matthew, Main St, Townhill, 66,

Carnegie, James (or John), 116 Pittencrieff St, 62,

Cowan, James, 133, Baldridgeburn, 76,

Cree, John, Loch St, Townhill, 66,

Curran, Thomas, Mill St, 67,

Deas, Peter, Woodhead St, 74 (Ettrick Terrace, Hawick in 1908),

Dickson, John, Townhill, 75, (80 Appin Crescent on 1907),

Erskine, John, Hill St, 62,

Farmer, Robert, Baldridgeburn, 74,

Fenton, Duncan, Cemetery Rd, 78,

Findlay (or Finlay), John, Muircockhall Row, Townhill, 73 (Turbayne`s Row, Townhill 1911),

Flockhart, James (or John), 42 Rose St, 72 (112 Rose St. 1909),

Fotheringham, George, Grieve St, 73 (Cameron St. 1911),

Forsyth, William, Main St, Townhill, 72,

Gardiner, James, Elgin Terrace, 77,

Gibson, William, North Inglis St, 65 (18 or 20 Woodhead St. in 1907),

Gillespie, James, 2 Low Beveridgewell, 66,

Grindlay, Thomas, Beveridgewell, 75,

Hardie, John, 47 Moodie St, 68,

Harrison, George, 24 Cemetery Rd, 60,

Henderson, William, 85 Priory Lane, 60,

Hunter, Charles, Pittencrieff St, 62 (Appin Row, Townhill in 1907),

Hutchison, Andrew, Nethertown Broad St, 76.

Hutchison, James, Cross Wynd, 63,

Hutton, William, New Row, 73,

Hynd, William, New St, Townhill, 73,

Izatt, John, 22, Hill St, 71,

Johnman, George, High Beveridgewell, 78,

Johnston, George, Store Row, Townhill, 78,

Johnstone, Alexander, Townhill, 74,

Kennedy, James, Chapel St, 71 (Mayfield Cottage, Carnock, 1909),

Kilpatrick, John, Albany St, 70,

McCarter, Peter, William St, 70 (3 Couston St. in 1908),

McLaren, William, Moodie St, 71,

McLean, Alexander, Campbell St, 66 (118 Albany St. in 1907),

McLeod, William, Rumblingwell, 66,

McPherson, James (John in 1906), Cemetery Rd, 65,

McVee, William, Cemetery Rd, 72,

May, Thomas, 51 Grieve St, 70,

Melville, Alexander, Gardeners` St, 63,

Millar, David, Pittencrieff St, 64 (11 Chalmers St 1910),

Milne, David, First Row, Townhill, 74,

Milne, James, High St, 69,

Moodie, David, Beveridgewell, 65 (Beveridgewell 1915),

Morris, Alexander, 50 High St, 60 (23 Moodie St 1909),

Morris, William, Rosehall Terrace, 81,

Paterson, George, Townhill, 69,

Peacock, James, Store Rd, Townhill, 71,

Penman, Robert, 116 Albany St, 73,

Penman, William, Downieville Crescent, 72,

Ritchie, David, 36 Holyrood Place, 72,

Robertson, Edward, Cemetery Rd, 60,

Robertson, John, 29 Guildhall St, 65,

Russell, Michael, Cemetery Rd, 66,

Scobie, David, Low Beveridgewell, 75,

Scotland, John, Priory Lane, 65,

Sharp, John, Rose St, 71,

Sharp, Thomas, 41 Golfdrum St, 75,

Sinclair, William, 10 James Place, 77,

Smith, John, Pittencrieff St, 65,

Sneddon, John, Rumblingwell, 60,

Somerville, William, James Place, 74,

Spowart, William, Beveridgewell, 60,

Stevenson, Hugh, Pittencrieff St, 60,

Stobie, John, Golfdrum St, 60,

Struthers, William, Pittencrieff St, 62,

Sutherland, Robert, New Row, 75,

Thomson, Cochrane, Maygate, 70 (1 Market St 1909),

Thomson, David, Brucefield Avenue, 61,

Tod, William, Rose St, 85,

Turnbull, Alexander, Priory Lane, 79,

Walker, William, Parkneuk, 73 (Beveridgewell 1900?),

Watson, Thomas, Whirlbut St, 67,

Watson, William, 53 Grantsbank, 67,

Watters (or Waters), Richard, 35 Victoria Terrace, 60,

Watters, Thomas, Grieve St, 66,

Whyte, James, Dewar St, 67,

Williamson, Alexander, Victoria St, 68,

Wilson, James, 51 Pittencrieff St, 61,

Wilson, William, Albany St, 66, 

Wishart, Alexander, 2 Low Beveridgewell, 60,

Young, John, Market St, 74 (High Beveridgewell 1907).

1907: Visit to Tulliallan, the seat of Sir James and Lady Sivewright.

`Auld Weavers` Drive`, Dunfermline Press, July 20 1907, p. 5.

No list of deaths given but Neil Paton, who had been on several drives, died aged 89 in August 1906 at his residence in Priory Lane. A cousin of Sir Noel Paton, he had been a handloom weaver and was latterly keeper of the Palace Ruins.

House numbers are given for the first time and these have been added to previous addresses.

New attendees 1907:

Adams, James, 3 West Foundry St, 76,

Anderson, Joseph, 103 Baldridgeburn, 71,

Anderson, Thomas, 36 Grieve St, 70 (27 Grieve St. 1913, 19 Grieve St. 1915),

Baxter, James, Kirkcaldy, 78,

Beattie, George, 3 or 5 South Inglis St, 69,

Blair, John, 37 Bridge St, 62,

Brimmer (Brimer or Bremner), Henry, 15 Downieville Crescent, 76 (The Caledonian Inn, Beith, Ayrshire 1912 (he died 1916,High Beveridgewell aged 86) –see also 1904,

Cameron, Peter, 2 Abbot St, 69,

Carnegie, Andrew, Pittencrieff St, 72 (Govan in 1908),

Combs (Comb or Combe), John,  83 Pittencrieff St, 60 (5 William St.1908, 41 Pittencrieff St 1909),

Crichton, John, Couston St, 66,

Davie, James (or John), 12 Pittencrieff St, 79,

Dick, James, Davie`s Buildings, James Place, 76,

Duff, Robert, Milesmark, 74 (Parkneuk 1908, Milesmark 1910),

Dunn, James, 24 Campbell St, 66,

Farmer, James, 121 Baldridgeburn, 75 (Market St. 1909?),

Fenton, Alexander, Low Beveridgewell, 76,   

Gillespie, Robert, 9 Maitland St, 68 (70 Maitland St. 1909),

Headwick, Peter, Rosehill, Newmills, 87,

Heggie, David, 4 Gardeners` St, 71,

Henderson, William, 85 Priory Lane, 58,

Hooper, James, (no age or address given),

Hunter, Francis (or Frank), 37 Bridge St, 70,

Hutton, George, 74 Grieve St, 75,

Innes, William, 14 Reid St, 68 (3 Woodmill St. 1909),

Johnston, Alexander, Whitening Rd, Townhill, 75,

Kennedy, Duncan, Castleblair, 81,

Laing, George, 71 James Place, 67 (6 James Place 1909),

Lyon, David, 48 James St, 76,

McArthur, Peter, 12 Pittencrieff St, 71 (105 Pittencrieff St 1909, 34 Moodie St 1911)),

Marshall, Thomas, 17 Pittencrieff St, 65,

Milne, David, New Row, 75,  

Morris, Alexander (Arthur 1908), 50 High St, 62,

Nicol, James, High Beveridgewell, 77 (Golfdrum St, 1908),

Owens, Thomas, 31Woodhead St, 67,

Paterson, George, Viewfield Place, Townhill, 68,

Penman, William, 139 New Row, 65,

Philp, Alexander, 56 North Inglis St, 78,

Ramsay, Alexander (Andrew 1908), 73 Pittencrieff St, 69,

Reid, John, Moodie St, 77,

Russell, Andrew, 21 West Nethertown St, 65,

Russell, James, 43 Woodhead St, 72,

Russell, Mark, Golfdrum St, 79,

Scott, David, Brucefield Avenue, 61,

Simpson, Andrew, 8 Golfdrum St, 78 (Willliam St 1908),

Simpson, Archibald Simpson, 64 High Beveridgewell, 79,

Spowart, John, 120 Albany St, 60,

Spowart, John, Store Rd. Townhill, 71,

Stark, James, 36 James Place, 70,

Stewart, William, 7 Merchiston Grove, Edinburgh, 74,

Thomson, David, 23 Woodmill St, 87,

Thomson, Peter, Milesmark, 79,

Thomson, Thomas, 58 New Row, 54,

Tod, William, Parkneuk, 74,

Wilson, David, 6 Reid St, 72 (Thistle St. 1905?),

Wilson, Henry, Buffies Brae, 57,

Wilson, William, 40 Brucefield Avenue, 68 (Albany St 1908).

1908: Visit to Alloa Park, seat of the Earl of Mar and Kellie.

`The Weavers` Drive`, Dunfermline Press, July 25 1908, p. 4.

Sixteen elderly men had died since last year, the only one mentioned being James Bowie, Castleblair Lane, aged 89. He had been a hand loom weaver, an operative at St. Leonard`s Factory for 30 years and finally a travelling draper. 

New attendees 1908:

Allan, Andrew, Baldridgeburn, 76,

Anderson, James, 72 Cemetery Rd, 71,

Barker, James, 3 Junction Rd, Kirkcaldy,

Black, Andrew, 125 Campbell St, 70,

Black, James, 74 Pittencrieff St, 75,

Black, Thomas, Albany St, 59,

Burns, James, 95 Nethertown, 70 (47 Pittencrieff St 1909),

Crowhurst, William, 30 James Place, 73 (Co-operative Buildings 1911),

Currie, William, Thistle St, 73,

Davie, William, 1 James Place, 80,

Dick, George, Guildhall St, 60,

Dick, John, James Place, 78,

Donaldson, John (or James), 80, Appin Crescent, 78,

Fenton, Andrew, Beveridgewell, 74,

Ferguson, Peter, 16 James Place, 65,

Hay, Alexander, Elgin Terrace, 77,

Heggie, Robert, Ladybank Rd, Dunshalt by Auchtermuchty, 73 (Hospital Hill 1900?, 4 Gardener St 1915?),

Henderson, Alexander, 16 Cemetery Rd, 69,

Henderson, Robert (or Richard), 74 Woodhead St, 69,

Hoggan, Andrew, 74 Pittencrieff St, 66,

Hutchison, William, High St, 74,

Hutton, George, Grieve St, 74,

Hynd, John, Grieve St, 74,

Kilpatrick, Henry, Beveridgewell Lane, 76 (Castleblair 1909),

Lindsay, William, 62 Nethertown Broad St, 64,

Love, Robert, 122 Rose St, 77,

Masterton, James, Dysart, 80,

Morris, Arthur (or Alexander), 50 High St, 62

McLeod, William, 95 Whitemyre, 78,

McPherson, Duncan, 56 Grieve St, 62

Penman, Fred, Cemetery Rd, 50,

Ramage, James, Baldridgeburn, 70,

Ramsay, James, Bothwell St, 85 (Townhill 1909, Bothwell Place 1911),

Roxburgh, Andrew, Alexandra St, 68,

Russell, Matthew, Gardeners Land, 86,

Scotland, John, Priory Lane, 72,

Simpson, Andrew, William St, 64,

Smith, John, West Nethertown, 62,

Spowart, David, Park St, Cowdenbeath, 84,

Spowart, James, 124 Pittencrieff St, 68,

Thomson, Robert, 39 Pittencrieff St, 64,

Thomson, Robert, 43 Campbell St, 66,

Turnbull, Archibald, Wooers Alley, 86,

Waters, Robert, 35 Victoria Terrace, 49,

Wilson, David, 95 Baldridgeburn, 67,

Watt, Robert, 141 Pittencrieff St, 74.

1909: Visit to Blairhill, home of the Haigs.

`The Auld Weavers` Drive`, Dunfermline Press, July 24 1909.

New attendees 1909:

Adamson, David, Hallbeath, 63,

Adie, Andrew, Grantsbank, 74,

Barnett (or Burnett), James, 70,

Black, John, High St, 75,

Blake, Robert, 34 Pittencrieff St, 57, (36 Grieve St, 1914),

Bowman, John, 72,

Brownlie, William, Rose St, 65,

Campbell, James, 68 (Whiting Rd. Townhill 1910),

Cochrane, John, 3 Cousin`s Lane, 74,

Cook, Thomas, Baldridgeburn, 81,

Crichton, John, 29 Rose St, 71,

Dickson, John, Crossford, 76,

Dunn, James, James St, 66 (12 William St. 1910),

Farmer, Robert, Market St, 76 (121 Baldridgeburn 1907?),

Ferris, John, 14 Abbot St, 68 (Water`s Buildings, Crossgates 1911, Beveridge`s Square, Crossgates, 1913),

Galloway, James, Baldridgeburn, 64,

Gilmour, Ebenezer, 68,

Gilmour, Robert, 73,

Harris, Albert, Nethertown, 25,

Heggie, Archibald, 74 Pittencrieff St, 69,

Henderson, Richard, 74 Woodhead St, 76,

Henderson, Thomas, Wellwood, 60,

Hunter, William, 60 Dewar St, 72,

Husband, Archibald, 10 James Place, 70,

Keir, Peter, 54 Rose St, 72,

Kennedy, James, Mayfield Cottage, Carnock, 74 (Oakley 1911),

McVie, William, 80,

Malcolm, William, 9, Alexandra St, 82,

Marshall, William, High Beveridgewell, 58,

Marshall, Thomas, Pittencrieff St, 69,

Masterton, Thomas, Nethertown, 68,

Millar, Alexander, 85 Baldridgeburn, 78,

Morris, John, 368 Main St, Bridgeton, Glasgow, 67 (60 Dalmeny St, Glasgow 1910),

Nicol, James, Foundry St, 79,

Paterson, George, Store Rd, Townhill, 68,

Rankine, Thomas K, 22 Albany St, 76,

Robertson, John, 17 South Inglis St, 81,

Ross, John, 70,

Russell, William, New Row, 81,

Stevenson, Hugh, 109 Pittencrieff St, 63,

Swan, Henry (or Harry), 111 Pittencrieff St, 66,

Templeman, William, 77,

Webster, Charles, 38 Pittencrieff St, 67,

Westwood, Peter, Hill St, 70,

Wilson, David, Engine Row, Townhill, 68,

Wilson, George, 3 Rose St, 69,

Wilson, James, Abbot St, 72 (12 Reform St. 1911),

Young, George (John 1907?), High Beveridgewell, 77.

The first ladies on the drive:

Bonnar, Jane, 109 Pittencrieff St, 76,

Burt, Agnes, 84 Golfdrum St, 72,

Callender, Margaret, 99 Pittencrieff St, 71, (22 Harriebrae 1911, Hendry`s Buildings, Woodend, Cowdenbeath 1912),

Douglas, Mary, 105 Pittencrieff St, 64,

Fenton, Mrs. E, Low Beveridgewell, 68,

Ferguson, Mrs. Kate, Parkneuk, 75,

Fogg, Marion, 27 Golfdrum St, 68,

Gilmour, Margaret, 91½ Pittencrieff St, 69,

Hynd, Elizabeth, 61 Golfdrum St, 72,

Lawrie, Elizabeth, 77 Golfdrum St, 76,

Keir, Janet, 44 Golfdrum St, 75,

Kilpatrick, Agnes, 51 Golfdrum St, 73,

Millar, Jane, 22 Harriebrae, 68,

Parnell, Mrs, Milesmark,

Russell, Mrs, 53 Mill St, 86,

Scobie, Allison (or Alison), Beveridgewell, 72,

Sharp, Jane, James Place, 76,

Sinclair, Mrs, 29 Grieve St, 68,

Watson, Mrs, Woodhead St, 81,

Welsh, Mrs, 37 Pittencrieff St, 66,

Wilkie, Mrs, 29 Grieve St, 92,

Wilson, Ann, 99½ Pittencrieff St, 69,

Wilson, Mrs, Pittencrieff St, 60.

1910: Visit to the Sands Estate near Culross, home of Mr. Laurence Johnston.

`Weavers` Drive`, Dunfermline Press, July 23 1910:

New attendees 1910 – men:

Anderson, J, Mill St, 69,

Anderson, John, Victoria Terrace, 86,

Black, George, 74 Pittencrieff St, 55,

Black, John, High St, 76,

Black, John, Albany St,

Bowman, John, 73,

Campbell, Arthur, Main St, Townhill, 70,

Degnin, Frank, 11 North Inglis St, 73,

Forrester, Samuel, High Beveridgewell, 62,

Gardiner, Alexander (Andrew 1911), Dickson St, 72,

Gibson, James, 65,

Hunt, Charles, 73,

Inch, Andrew, 31 Grieve St, 75,

Kelly, James, 71,

Lightfoot (Louttit 1911, 1912), Andrew, Keith St, Kincardine, 65,

Mackie, Andrew, 62 Golfdrum St, 58,

McLauchlan, John, Milesmark, 77,

Millar, David, 11 Chalmers St, 69,

Miller, Walter, 42 High Beveridgewell (142 High Beveridgewell 1914),

Mitchell, Lawrence, 17 Pittencrieff St, 75 (Holyrood Place 1914),

Morgan, Alexander, Rolland St, 72,

Mulligan, Peter, Downieville Crescent, 71,

Nicol, Charles, 7 South Inglis St, 63,

Paterson, John, 78,

Penman, William, 17 Gardeners St, 75,

Ramsay, Alexander, 72 Pittencrieff St, 72,

Shaw, James, 41 Downieville Crescent,

Sneddon, John, Rumblingwell, 69,

Thomson, Peter, Milesmark, 78 (Maitland St 1914),

Wilson, Charles, 184 Baldridgeburn, 71,

Wilson, David, Engine Row, Townhill, 75,

Wilson, James, 5 Pittencrieff St, 64 (12 Pittencrieff St 1914),

Wilson, James, Abbot St, 73 (12 Reform St. 1911, 58 Grieve St. 1912),

New attendees 1910 – women:

Adamson, Mrs, Brucefield Feus, 67 (Baldridgeburn 1912),

Allan, Mrs, 181 Baldridgeburn, 76,

Allan, Mrs, 33 Woodhead St, 66 (45 Woodhead 1911, 180 Baldridgeburn 1912),

Allan, Mrs, 21 Downieville Crescent, 63,

Beveridge, Mrs, 57 Priory Lane, 70, 

Black, Jane, 74 Pittencrieff St, 83 (Turbayne`s Row, Townhill 1911),

Black, Mrs, 56 Low Beveridgewell, 78,

Brown, Mary, Bothwell St, 92,

Bruce, Mrs. I, 123 Baldridgeburn, 72,

Castles, Mrs, Carnegie St, 73,

Dunn, Mrs, 12 William St, 66,

Farrell, Mrs, 8 Viewfield Place, 74 (10 James Place (or St) 1911),

Gifford, Mrs, Grieve St, 62,

Gorman, Mrs. K, 91 Pittencrieff St, 86,

Grieve, Mrs, 10 Pittencrieff St, 62 (46 Pittencrieff St.1911) ,

Heggie, Mrs, Ladybank Rd, Dunshalt, Auchtermuchty,

Hogg, Mrs. J, East Port Street,

Hoggan, Mrs, Nethertown, 89,

Hunter, Mrs, Appin Crescent, 79 (4 Holyrood Place 1911, 32 Appin Crescent 1912),

Inch, Mrs, Grieve St, 73

Inches, Mrs. A, Pittencrieff St,

Justice, Mrs, 14, South Inglis St, 72,

Morgan, Mr, 41 Rolland St, 68,

Robertson, Mrs. Ann, 29 Guildhall St, 71,

Robertson, Mrs. M, 42 Appin Crescent, 72,

Skelton, Mrs, 36 Woodhead St, 82,

Spowart, Mrs, 115 New Row, 75 (Moodie St. 1911),

Wilson, Mrs, 6 Campbell St, 70,

Wilson, Mrs, 61 Priory Lane, 68,

Wilson, Mrs. J, Albany St, 79.

1911: Visit to the Sands Estate of Mr. Laurence Johnston:

`Weavers` Drive`, Dunfermline Press, July 22 1911, p. 5.

New attendees 1911 – men:

Bain, David, 75 (age 70 in 1912),

Black, John, Viewfield Place, Kelty,

Black, George, 31 Turbayne`s Row, Townhill, 57,

Black, Thomas, 90 Albany St, 54,

Crombie, James, 4 Campbell St, 73,

Cameron, Ewan, 84,

Cameron, Peter, 2 Abbot St, 74,

Ferguson, John, 19 Rose Lane, 79,

Foy, John, 56 (60 in 1912, 65 in 1913),
Gillespie, John, Rose St, 72,

Gillespie, Thomas, New Row, 81,

Gilmour, John, Rose St, 72,

Harley, Andrew, 38 High Beveridgewell, 73,

Henderson, William, Priory Lane, 63,

Hunter, William, 60 Dewar St, 75,

Hutton, James, Coal Rd, 62,

Hynd, James, 40 Blackburn, Parkneuk, 71 (Golfdrum St. 1913),

McBeth, Archibald, Philp`s Building, Halbeath, 71,

Morris, William, 60,

Paterson, David, 29 Brucefield Avenue, 63,

Penman, William, 139 New Row, 69,

Proudfoot, William, Rumblingwell, 75,

Ross, John, 64,

Roxburgh, John, Dumbarton,

Russell, Bernard, Wellwood, 72,

Sanders, Charles, 41 Queen Anne St, 69,

Sharp, Robert, Victoria Terrace, 70,

Short, Alexander, 5 Tradesman`s Row, Townhill, 72,

Shortreed, George, 95 Golfdrum St, 75,

Simpson, John, Dickson St, 70,

Smeath, James, New Row, 72,

Sneddon, George, St. Leonard`s, 72,

Wilson, Charles C, Crossford, 70 (Robert C. in other years),

Wilson, George, 69,

Wilson, William, 10 Parkneuk, 77,

New attendees 1911 – women:

Adamson, Mrs, Downieville Crescent, 67,

Bestie, Mrs, 45 Priory Lane, 71,

Clark, Mrs, 1A Reform St, 63,

Dowie, Miss Maglin, Viewfield Place, 62,

Dryburgh, Miss E, Golfdrum, 65,

Duncan, Mrs. Catherine, 45, Baldridgeburn, 83,

Gardiner, Mrs. James, 45 Woodhead St, 68,

Harling, Mrs. c/o George Inglis, 67 (30 Maygate St, 69,,

Lamond, Mrs, 64 Woodhead St, 70,

Lowne, Mrs. E, 77 Golfdrum St, 78,

McLean, Mrs, 15 Downieville Crescent, 64,

Mowbray, Mrs, 85 Priory Lane, 80,

Robertson, Mrs, 36 Chalmers St, 65,

Sinclair, Mrs, 2 Beveridgewell, 73,

Swan, Mrs. Rachael, 6 Gardeners` St, 84,

Wilson, Mrs, 99½ Pittencrieff St, 61,

Wilson, Mrs. James, 28 Priory Lane, 73 (58 Grieve St. 1913).

1912: Visit to Kennet and the policies of Lord Balfour of Burleigh:

`Weavers` Drive`, Dunfermline Press, July 22 1911, p. 5.

New attendees 1912 – men:

Burton, Robert S, 5 Inglis St, 80,

Campbell, John, 74 Rumblingwell, 74, 

Christie, D, Mill St, 63,

Downie, Henry, Woodmill St, 69,

Drummond, Thomas, Mid-Beveridgewell, 69,

Gibson, William, 73 High St, 73,

Johnstone, George, 56 Moodie St, 72,

Johnstone, George, Garden Row, Townhill, 77,

Kirkhope, William, 88 Appin Crescent, 70,

Nicol, Alexander, 70,

Proudfoot, Robert, Rumblingwell, 71,

Sanders, Charles, 41 Queen Anne St, 70,

Sharp, John, 121 (or 124) Rose St, 80 (12 Downieville Crescent 1914),

Sinclair, William, 70,

Smith, Edward, 65,

Trotter, David, Brucefield Feus, 83 (Millhill St. 1914),

Wilson, George, 3 Rose St, 71,

Young, Robert, 109 Pittencrieff St, 74.

New attendees 1912 – women:

Allan, Mrs, Castleblair Park, 73,

Bain, Mrs, Parkneuk, 70,

Cameron, Mrs. R, Newton, Kincardine-on-Forth, 75,

Fotheringham, Miss, 15 Albany St, 72,

Gibson, Mrs Isabella, 66 Woodhead St, 67,

Hamilton, Mrs, 65 Moodie St, 68,

Henderson, Mrs, 50 Appin Crescent, 68,

Hutton, Mrs. Mary, 15 West Nethertown St, 76,

Martin, Mrs, 20 Woodmill St, 72,

Niven, Mrs, 16 Rumblingwell, 71,

Sharp, Mrs. Jane, James Place, 79,

Trotter, Mrs. David, Brucefield Feus, 81,

Walls, Mrs. J, 14 Albany St, 66,

Wilson, Mrs. H, Albany St, 73 (52 Queen Anne St. 1914).

1913: visit to Solsgirth, near Dollar, the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Sutherland:

`Old Weavers` Drive`, Dunfermline Press, July 26 1913, p. 5.

Since last year at Kennet House 12 men and three women had passed away, including, in the last week, two men who had tickets for the drive. 

New attendees 1913 – men:

Adamson, William, Engine Row, Townhill, 69,

Bell, Andrew, 1 William St, 63,

Boag, David, Albany St, 77,

Campbell, John, 74 Rumblingwell, 75,

Chalmers, James, Parkneuk, 73,

Dick, George, 49 Campbell St, 64,

Gilmour, John, Rose St, 74,

Henderson, Thomas, Rumblingwell, 73,

Hossack, William, 122 Appinn Crescent, 61 (54 Campbell St 1914),

Hynd, James, 17 Store Buildings, Townhill, 72,

Laing, John, 65,

Millar, Andrew, Wellwood, 69,

Morrison, Thomas, 48 Nethertown Broad St, 60,  

Ramsay, James, Golfdrum St, 76,

Robertson, Robert, 45 Nethertown Broad St, 72,

Russell, George, Unionist Club, 69,

Sharp, William, North End, Crossgates, 74,

Sinclair, William, 71,

Sneddon, Maxwell, 65,

Taylor, H. 18 Hill St, 62,

Taylor, John, 128 Albert Square, Edinburgh, 67,

Thomson, John 70,

Tulloch, D, 41 Victoria Terrace, 68,

Wilkie, Alexander, Downieville Crescent, 64,

Wilson, James, Crossford, 79,

Wishart, Alexander, Low Beveridgewell, 79.

New attendees 1913 – women:

Beveridge, Mrs. R, Halbeath, 67,

Beglin, Mrs. M, James Place, 73,

Gordon, Mrs. E, 92 Albany St, 63,

Henderson, Mrs, Woodhead St, 70,

Lamond, Mrs, 64 Woodhead St, 72,

Noble, Mrs, 14 Nethertown Broad St, 79,

Russell, Mrs, Mill St, 90,

Russell, Mrs. Bernard, Wellwood, 71.

1914: Second visit to Solsgirth:

`The Old Weavers` Drive`, Dunfermline Press, July 25 1914.

Since last year 13 men and four women had passed away. 197 attended the drive, 110 who were upwards of 70, 34 over 80 and two over 90.  For the first time a Drive Committee of old men was appointed, viz: Messrs. D. Alexander, Henry Swan, W. Henderson, James Sinclair, J. Sneddon and Charles Nicol.

New attendees 1914 – men:

Allan, Alexander, Mill St, 66,

Armour, Alexander, 5 Golfdrum St, 71,

Coventry, James, 6½ Pittencrieff, 76,

Dempster, Thomas, 20 James Place, 72,

Dunn, Robert, Crossford, 71,

Ferguson, Peter, Mill St, 74,

Grieg, John, 20 Dewar St, 74,

Henderson, Edward, Nethertown Broad St, 70,

Laing, George, 6 James Place, 74,

McEuan, Peter, 101 Nethertown Broad St, 71,

Ritchie, David, 30 Holyrood Place, 80,

Simpson, William, Appin Crescent, 77 (Downieville Crescent 1915),

Simpson, William, Pittencrieff St, 75,

White, Alexander, 32 Woodhead St, 69.

New attendees 1914 – women:

Bell, Mrs. W, 5 Inglis St, 67,

Carnegie, Charlotte, Pittencrieff St, 68,

Carnegie, Mrs. James, Pittencrieff St, 68,

Gray, Mrs, 67 Woodhead St, 70,

Henderson, Mrs, 86 Priory Lane, 65,

Penman, Mrs. Robert, Thistle St, 80,

Sim, Mrs, 112 Mill St, 77,

Smith, Mrs, 25 Rolland St, 73,

Thomson, Mrs, 58 New Row, 60.

1915: Visit to Otterston, the policies of Mrs. Mowbray and Major Mowbray.

`Dunfermline old men`s drive`, Dunfermline Press, July 31 1915, p. 2.

Because the war caused `the temporary stoppage of Dunfermline-American generosity`, money was raised locally and to cut costs the women were excluded, the men had to be 65 and over and a local venue was chosen.

New attendees 1915:

Alexander, J. S, Brucefield Avenue, 73,

Beveridge, R, 94 Golfdrum St, 72,

Brown, Peter, Rumblingwell, 73,

Black, John, 74,

Cassells, 5 Nethertown, 65,

Ferguson, Peter, Mill St, 75,

Grieg, John, Rose St, 77,

Henderson, J, 68 Grieve St, 68,

Hutchison, John, Brucefield St, 74,

Kirk, William, Victoria St, 75,

Lindsay, W, Rolland St, 65,

McGregor, W, Castleblair

Mitchell, John, 6 Rose St, 65,

Moir, John, Moodie St, 65,

Paterson, Thomas, Pittencrieff St, 75,

Paterson, W, Townhill Rd, 66,

Proudfoot, Robert, Rumblingwell, 74,

Ramsay, James, Bothwell Place, 91,

Reid, Alexander, 25 Edgar St, 84,

Ross, John, Cemetery Rd, 67,

Russell, Henry, 21 West Nethertown, 71 (called Andrew earlier?),

Simpson, John, 1 Victoria Place, 65,

Slavin, John, Baldridgeburn , 69,

Sneddon, Robert, Cemetery Rd, 63,

Stenhouse, James, 104 Campbell St, 67,

Strachan, QW, Elgin St, 66,

Struthers, W, 96 Pittencrieff St, 71,  

Towers, A, 8 Rose St, 74.