November 2017 Diary Dates
Thursday 30th Nov
Torryburn History Group, Torryburn Community Centre, at 7:30 on
George Robertson – “Ralph Erskine – Secessionist Minister”
Tuesday 28th November
Rosyth Garden City Association
is staging a “Life in Rosyth during World War II” exhibition for the Primary 7s who are studying WWII as part of their curriculum. The venue is Rosyth Parish Church and runs from Monday 6th until Thursday 9th November. Films and exhibits from WWII on show.
The exhibition will be open to members of the public on Wednesday 8th November from 6pm – 8pm
Kincardine Local History Group
Meetings are held in the Hepburn Room in the Community Centre
Wednesday 8th November 2017
Eleanor Young Logie Kirk – The First 1000 Years
Kelty Heritage Group
Meetings are held at the Kelty Community Centre at 7:00 pm
Thursday 9th November
George Robertson The Rev Ralph Erskine – Secessionist Minister of Dunfermline