March 2017 Meeting

Our next meeting will take place on Thursday 16th March at 7:30 pm in the Abbey Church Halls, as usual.

Prof. David Munro MBE will present “The History of Lochore Castle”.

Currently Heritage Advisor to the Duke of Buccleuch, David is a geographical consultant with a special interest in conservation and landscape studies. As a Research Fellow in the 1980s and 1990s he led Edinburgh University expeditions to the tropical forests of Central America and compiled a number of geographical texts including Chambers World Gazetteer and the Oxford Dictionary of the World. He later co-authored Scotland – An Encyclopedia of Places and Landscapes and in 1996 was appointed Director of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, a post he held for 12 years. A frequent lecturer on cruise ships, David Munro talks on subjects ranging from landscapes and place-names to exploration and travel.

David lives in Kinnesswood and as Chairman of the Kinross (Marshall) Museum, he has been involved with the Heritage Lottery-funded Living Lomonds Landscape Partnership programme which included an archaeological ‘Big Dig’ at Lochore Castle, the subject of his talk this evening.