2022 – 2023 Talks Programme

The society presents each year, between September and May, a series of talks covering a wide range of topics. Meetings are held in the Abbey Church Hall, Abbey Park Place, Dunfermline and start at 7:30 pm. Visitors are charged a fee of £3.00 per meeting and are made very welcome.

15 September 2022Ian Scott
The Lowland Canals
20 October 2022Jim Leishman
From Ball to Chain
17 November 2022Elaine Campbell
A Virtual Tour of the Glen
8 December 2022Susan Morrison
The Stuart Widows
19 January 2023John Blackwood and Others
Burns Songs
16 February 2023AGM
Dick Alderson & Blair Law
Woodlands and Warfare in Dalgety Bay
16 March 2023Andrew Johnson
Fife Folk Museum
20 April 2023Roy Johnston
The Abdication of 1936 and the real Wallace Simpson
18 May 2023
Eric Melvin
The Athens of the North